홈 > LIGHTINGFORUM > 디자인-Design
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Ming Cho Lee
Ming Cho Lee, who greatly influenced several generations of stage designers, died on October 24, 2020, just three weeks after his 90th birthday. He was born in Shanghai, China on October 3, 1930.Date2020.10.26 Category인물 Reply0 Views29 -
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Robbie Williams’, Swings Both Ways Tour
http://martin.com/en-US/View-Case?itemId=CaseStory:14196 lighting for the show is designed by the talented Mark Cunniffe with Keith Duncan touring as lighting director. 장소: Brisbane Entertainment Centre 일시: Tuesday Sept 23rd Martin equip...Date2014.11.17 Category자료 Reply0 Views253 -
2015&2016 Bregenz Festival 水上무대- Turandot
http://bregenzerfestspiele.com/enDate2016.03.10 Reply0 Views81 -
Using GOBOs on Stage
무대조명에서의 고보사용에 관하여Date2016.03.02 Category강좌 Reply0 Views127 -
WICKED Lighting: Lighting Plot
It takes 650 lighting fixtures and a talented team of theatre artists and technicians to light up the WICKED stage. Meet the crew that illuminates Elphaba and makes Glinda glowDate2016.03.02 Category일반 Reply0 Views86 -
Working with Projections in 'War Horse'
Paul Kenah is a video supervisor at the National Theatre. In this film he explains some of the benefits and challenges of working with projections on a multimedia production like 'War Horse'.Date2016.03.01 Category일반 Reply0 Views58 -
BEAM WIDTH - vs distance and spread angle. - METRIC ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DIST| ANGLE (in degrees) in | 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Meters------------------------------------------------...Date2016.02.27 Category자료 Reply0 Views62 -
Bon Jovi - On The Road - Pat FOH
본조비를 좋아하는 1인으로써~Date2016.02.15 Category인물 Reply0 Views57 -
Tharon Musser
"A light plot is not a light plot until it has coffee stains and cigarette burns on it." -Tharon Musser "커피얼룩과 담배자국이 남지않은 조명도면은 조명도면이 아니다." Tharon Musser- Lighting DesignerDate2012.08.31 Category인물 Reply0 Views86 -
2011 국제 조명디자인 워크숍 및 심포지엄
한국문화예술위원회는 국내 무대예술의 발전을 위해 전세계 무대예술 분야의 탁월한 예술가들을 초청하여 워크숍 및 심포지엄을 개최합니다. 2011년에는 미국 브로드웨이에서 가장 활발히 활약하는 무대, 조명, 음향 디자인 분야의 거장들을 모시고, 전문적이...Date2011.04.09 Category일반 Reply0 Views70 -
How Elphaba Defies Gravity (CBS News)
위키드Date2011.02.14 Category자료 Reply0 Views60 -
무대조명기기기초사용법(Automated Light-Spot)
Automated Light-SpotDate2009.03.10 Category강좌 Reply0 Views254 -
.Date2009.03.10 Category강좌 Reply0 Views218 -
Cats 한국공연
한국공연의 lighting Design을 맡은 mandyLights뉴스란에서 발췌한 Cats 서울공연리뷰입니다... 비록 라이센스 공연이지만 조명쪽도 한국디자이너의 손에서 다시 태어날 수 있었다면 좋았을텐데... 아쉬움이 많이남습니다. 열심히 해야겠습니다... http://www...Date2008.11.06 Category일반 Reply1 Views279 -
무대조명기기기초사용법-Source Four,ERS(Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlights)
기기 기본사용법 안내Date2008.10.11 Category강좌 Reply2 Views273
Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5
Sketchbook5, 스케치북5