비쥬얼라이져- visualizer

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2011.12.17 20:36

Wysiwyg R28 beta 배포

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지난주 Cast 사는 Wysiwyg R28 베타버전을 멤버들에게 공개했다.

R28은 카메라이동및 play기능의 강화, Look 화면의 CueList화, 이미지의 분할 및 Led미디어로의 전송 동기화,

조명기 셔터및 반도어뷰 개선및 활성창 간소화등의 기능이 추가되었다...




Cast Software of Toronto, Canada recently sent the Beta version of WYSIWYG R28, targeted for distribution within a few weeks, to a select group of WYSIWYG members who regularly test the software to make sure it is in perfect operating condition before its general release. The company says the initial feedback is uaninmously positive.

R28 of the well-known previsualization software builds on the advancements delivered in R27, released last summer, which proclaimed a speed increase of up to five times faster in Shaded Views across all views. R27 also improved the Attribute Layout system to be more user-friendly, allowing users to customize the patch, channel, gobo, and other markers for each fixture. It also added a new Image Manager system for managing images in your wysiwyg files. Use it to add, delete, replace and/or edit textures, renders and other images.

On top of those advancements, wysiwyg R28 adds these new features:

• Camera Paths: Draw a camera path in wysiwyg and play it back in Design or Live mode’s 3D Shaded Views
• Cuelists for Looks: Build Looks in Design; store them in the cuelist, and play them back in any order you wish
• LED and Media: Improved Video Splitting (you can now split your Images from the Image manager and apply them to Surfaces, Screens or LED walls
• Shutter Cuts: Edit conventional fixtures’ Shutters and Barndoors more efficiently, without having to access the Properties window
• New Device Toolbar: Allows you to conveniently connect/disconnect devices in Live mode and access their properties
• Library: Select all Library items of a certain type and replace them with an alternate style of Library object


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