The following commands are basic to the current implementation
of Memory Lighting systems and probably apply to all dedicated
theatrical show control systems in a general sense. Although it
is not required that Controlled Devices incorporate all of these
commands, it is highly recommended:
of data Recomm'd
Hex command bytes Min Sets
00 reserved for extensions
01 GO variable 123
02 STOP variable 123
03 RESUME variable 123
04 TIMED_GO variable -23
05 LOAD variable -23
06 SET 4 or 9 -23
07 FIRE 1 -23
08 ALL_OFF 0 -23
09 RESTORE 0 -23
0A RESET 0 -23
0B GO_OFF variable -23
The following commands, in addition to the above, are basic to
the current implementation of Computer Controlled Sound Memory
Programming Systems and are widely used by Show Control Systems
in more comprehensive applications. It is recommended that
Controllers support the transmission of these commands:
of data Recomm'd
Hex command bytes Min Sets
10 GO/JAM_CLOCK variable --3
11 STANDBY_+ variable -23
12 STANDBY_- variable -23
13 SEQUENCE_+ variable -23
14 SEQUENCE_- variable -23
15 START_CLOCK variable --3
16 STOP_CLOCK variable --3
17 ZERO_CLOCK variable --3
18 SET_CLOCK variable --3
19 MTC_CHASE_ON variable --3
1A MTC_CHASE_OFF variable --3
1B OPEN_CUE_LIST variable -23
1C CLOSE_CUE_LIST variable -23
1D OPEN_CUE_PATH variable -23
1E CLOSE_CUE_PATH variable -23
00 Reserved for extensions
01 GO
Starts a transition or fade to a cue. Transition time
is determined by the cue in the Controlled Device. If
no Cue Number is specified, the next cue in numerical
sequence GOes. If a Cue Number is specified, that cue
Transitions "run" until complete.
If the Controller wishes to define the transition time,
TIMED_GO should be sent.
In Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists, if no Cue
Number is Specified, the next cues in numerical order
and numbered identically and which are in Open Cue Lists
GO. If Q_number is sent without Q_list, all cues with a
number identical to Q_number and which are in
Open Cue Lists GO.
01 GO
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Halts currently running transition(s). If no Cue Number
is specified, all running transitions STOP. If a Cue
Number is specified, only that single, specific
transition STOPs, leaving all others unchanged.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Causes STOPped transition(s) to continue running. If no
Cue Number is specified, all STOPped transitions
RESUME. If a Cue Number is specified, only that
transition RESUMEs, leaving all others unchanged.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Starts a timed transition or fade to a cue. If no Cue
Number is specified, the next cue in numerical sequence
GOes. If a Cue Number is specified, that cue GOes.
Transitions "run" until complete.
Time is Standard Time Specification with subframes (type
{ff}), providing anything from "instant" to 24 hour
transitions. If a Controlled Device does not support
TIMED_GO it should GO instead, ignoring the time data
but processing Cue Number data normally. If the
transition time desired is the preexisting default cue
time, GO should be sent instead of TIMED_GO.
Rules for Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists are
the same as for GO, above.
hr mn sc fr ff Standard Time Specification
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Places a cue into a standby position. Cue Number must
be specified. LOAD is useful when the cue desired takes
a finite time to access. LOAD is sent in advance so
that the cue will GO instantly.
In Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists,
if Q_number is sent without Q_list, all cues with a
number identical to Q_number and which are in
Open Cue Lists LOAD to standby.
<Q_number> required
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
06 SET
Defines the value of a Generic Control. The Generic
Control and its value are each specified by a 14 bit
number. A Controlled Device may treat virtually any of
its variables, attributes, rates, levels, modes,
functions, effects, subs, channels, switches, etc. as
Generic Controls which may be sent values via SET.
Optionally, the time it takes the Generic Control to
achieve its value may be sent.
Time is Standard Time Specification with subframes (type
{ff}), providing anything from "instant" to 24 hour
transitions. If a Controlled Device does not support
times in SET, it should ignore time data.
Standard Generic Control Numbers for Lighting:
0-127 Sub masters
128-129 Masters of the first playback
130-131 Masters of the second playback
190-191 Masters of the 32nd playback
192-223 Speed controllers for the 32 playbacks
224-255 Chase sequence masters
256-287 Chase sequence speed masters
510 Grand Master for all channels
511 General speed controller for all fades
512-1023 Individual channel levels
06 SET
cc cc Generic Control Number, LSB first
vv vv Generic Control Value, LSB first
hr mn sc fr ff Standard Time Specification, optional
Triggers a preprogrammed keyboard Macro. The Macro is
defined by a 7 bit number. The Macros themselves are
either programmed at the Controlled Device, or loaded
via MIDI file dump facilities using the ASCII Cue Data
format or any method applicable to the Controlled
mm Macro Number
Independently turns all functions and outputs off
without changing the control settings. Operating status
prior to ALL_OFF may be reestablished by RESTORE.
Reestablishes operating status to exactly as it was
prior to ALL_OFF.
Terminates all running cues, setting all timed functions
to an initialized state equivalent to a newly powered-up
condition and loads the first cue of each applicable cue
list into the appropriate standby positions. In other
words, RESET stops the show without arbitrarily changing
any control values and loads the top of the show to
It should be decided by the manufacturer of the
Controlled Device whether or not RESET should
automatically open all CLOSEd_CUE_LISTs and
CLOSEd_CUE_PATHs and this decision should be stated
clearly in the device's MIDI Implementation
Starts a transition or fade of a cue to the off state.
Transition time is determined by the cue in the
Controlled Device.
If no Cue Number is specified, the current cue GOes OFF.
If a Cue Number is specified, that cue GOes OFF.
In Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists, if no Cue
Number is Specified, all currently active cues in Open
Cue Lists GO OFF. If Q_number is sent without Q_list,
all cues with a number identical to Q_number and which
are in Open Cue Lists GO OFF.
For compatibility with Controlled Devices which do not
automatically replace an existing cue with a new cue
upon receipt of the GO command, Controllers should
optionally prompt the programmer to simultaneously
create a GO_OFF command.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Starts a transition or fade to a cue simultaneous with
forcing the clock time to the 'Go Time' if the cue is
an 'Auto Follow' cue. Transition time is determined by
the cue in the Controlled Device.
If no Cue Number is specified, the next cue in numerical
sequence GOes and the clock of the appropriate Cue List
JAMs to that cue's time. If the next cue in numerical
sequence is a 'Manual' cue (i.e. if it has not been
stored with a particular 'Go Time,' making it an
'Auto Follow' cue), the GO/JAM_CLOCK command is ignored.
If a Cue Number is specified, that cue Gop and the clock
of the appropriate Cue List JAMs to the cue's time
unless the cue is 'Manual' in which case no change
Rules for Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists are
the same as for GO, above.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Places into standby position the next cue in numerical
order after the cue currently in standby.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
next cue in numerical order is used. If more than one
Open Cue List have cues with an identical number then
those cues will move to their respective standby
If Q_list is sent in Standard Cue Number Form, only
the next cue in the Cue List specified moves to the
standby position.
<Q_list> optional
Places into standby position the previous cue in
numerical order prior to the cue currently in standby.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
previous cue in numerical order is used. If more than
one Open Cue List have cues with an identical number
then those cues will move to their respective standby
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the previous
cue in the Cue List specified moves to the standby
<Q_list> optional
Places into standby position the next parent cue in
numerical sequence after the cue currently in standby.
'Parent' refers to the integer value of the cue's
number prior to the first decimal point (the "most
significant number") For example, if cue 29.324.98.7
was in standby and the cues following were 29.325, 29.4,
29.7, 29.9.876, 36.7, 36.7.832, 36.8, 37., and 37.1,
then cue 36.7 would be loaded to standby by SEQUENCE_+.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
next cue in parental sequence is used. If more than one
Open Cue List have cues with a completely identical
number then those cues will move to their respective
standby positions.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the next
parent cue in the Cue List specified moves to the
standby position.
<Q_list> optional
Places into standby position the lowest numbered parent
cue in the previous numerical sequence prior to the cue
currently in standby.
'Parent' refers to the integer value of the cue's
number prior to the first decimal point (the "most
significant number") For example, if cue
was in standby and the cues preceding were 29.325, 29.4,
29.7, 29.9.876, 36.7, 36.7.832, 36.8, 37., and 37.1,
then cue 36.7 would be loaded to standby by SEQUENCE_-.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
previous parental sequence is used. If more than one
Open Cue List have cues with identical lowest numbered
parent cues in previous parental sequence then those
cues will move to their respective standby positions.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the first
parent cue in the previous sequence of the Cue List
specified moves to the standby position.
<Q_list> optional
Starts the 'Auto Follow' clock timer. If the clock is
already running, no change occurs. The clock continues
counting from the time value which it contained while it
was Stopped.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Start simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Starts.
<Q_list> optional
Stops the 'Auto Follow' clock timer. If the clock is
already stopped, no change occurs. While the clock is
stopped, it retains the time value which it contained
at the instant it received the STOP command.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Stop simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Stops.
<Q_list> optional
Sets the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to a value of
00:00:00:00.00, whether or not it is running. If the
clock is already stopped and Zeroed, no change occurs.
ZERO_CLOCK does not affect the clock's running status.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Zero simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Zeros.
<Q_list> optional
Sets the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to a value equal to
the Standard Time sent, whether or not it is running.
SET_CLOCK does not affect the clock's running status.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Set simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Sets.
hr mn sc fr ff Standard Time Specification
<Q_list> optional
Causes the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to continuously
contain a value equal to incoming MIDI Time Code. If no
MTC is being received when this command is received, the
clock remains in its current running or stopped status
until MTC is received, at which time the clock
continuously exhibits the same time as MTC. If MTC
becomes discontinuous, the clock continues to display
the last valid MTC message value received.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Chase simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Chases.
<Q_list> optional
Causes the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to cease Chasing
incoming MIDI Time Code. When MTC_CHASE_OFF is
received, the clock returns to running or stopped status
according to its operating status at the instant
MTC_CHASE_ON was received.
MTC_CHASE_OFF does not change the clock time value; i.e.
if the clock is stopped, it retains the last valid MTC
message value received (or simply the most recent time
in the clock register); if the clock is running, it
continues to count from the most recent time in its
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
stop Chasing simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List stops Chasing.
<Q_list> optional
Makes a Cue List available to all other commands and
includes any cues it may contain in the current show.
When OPEN_CUE_LIST is received, the specified Cue List
becomes active and cues in it can be accessed by normal
show requirements. Q_list in Standard Form must be
If the specified Cue List is already Open or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_list> required
Makes a Cue List unavailable to all other commands and
excludes any cues it may contain from the current show.
When CLOSE_CUE_LIST is received, the specified Cue List
becomes inactive and cues in it cannot be accessed by
normal show requirements, but the status of the cues in
the list does not change. Q_list in Standard Form must
be sent.
If the specified Cue List is already Closed or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_list> required
Makes a Cue Path available to all other MIDI Show
Control commands and to all normal show cue path access
requirements as well.
When OPEN_CUE_PATH is received, the specified Cue Path
becomes active and cues in it can be accessed by the
Controlled Device. Q_path in Standard Form must be
If the specified Cue Path is already Open or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_path> required
Makes a Cue Path unavailable to all other MIDI Show
Control commands and to all normal show cue path access
requirements as well.
When CLOSE_CUE_PATH is received, the specified Cue Path
becomes inactive and cues in it cannot be accessed by
the Controlled Device. Q_path in Standard Form must be
If the specified Cue Path is already Closed or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_path> required
The following commands are basic to the current implementation
of Memory Lighting systems and probably apply to all dedicated
theatrical show control systems in a general sense. Although it
is not required that Controlled Devices incorporate all of these
commands, it is highly recommended:
of data Recomm'd
Hex command bytes Min Sets
00 reserved for extensions
01 GO variable 123
02 STOP variable 123
03 RESUME variable 123
04 TIMED_GO variable -23
05 LOAD variable -23
06 SET 4 or 9 -23
07 FIRE 1 -23
08 ALL_OFF 0 -23
09 RESTORE 0 -23
0A RESET 0 -23
0B GO_OFF variable -23
The following commands, in addition to the above, are basic to
the current implementation of Computer Controlled Sound Memory
Programming Systems and are widely used by Show Control Systems
in more comprehensive applications. It is recommended that
Controllers support the transmission of these commands:
of data Recomm'd
Hex command bytes Min Sets
10 GO/JAM_CLOCK variable --3
11 STANDBY_+ variable -23
12 STANDBY_- variable -23
13 SEQUENCE_+ variable -23
14 SEQUENCE_- variable -23
15 START_CLOCK variable --3
16 STOP_CLOCK variable --3
17 ZERO_CLOCK variable --3
18 SET_CLOCK variable --3
19 MTC_CHASE_ON variable --3
1A MTC_CHASE_OFF variable --3
1B OPEN_CUE_LIST variable -23
1C CLOSE_CUE_LIST variable -23
1D OPEN_CUE_PATH variable -23
1E CLOSE_CUE_PATH variable -23
00 Reserved for extensions
01 GO
Starts a transition or fade to a cue. Transition time
is determined by the cue in the Controlled Device. If
no Cue Number is specified, the next cue in numerical
sequence GOes. If a Cue Number is specified, that cue
Transitions "run" until complete.
If the Controller wishes to define the transition time,
TIMED_GO should be sent.
In Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists, if no Cue
Number is Specified, the next cues in numerical order
and numbered identically and which are in Open Cue Lists
GO. If Q_number is sent without Q_list, all cues with a
number identical to Q_number and which are in
Open Cue Lists GO.
01 GO
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Halts currently running transition(s). If no Cue Number
is specified, all running transitions STOP. If a Cue
Number is specified, only that single, specific
transition STOPs, leaving all others unchanged.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Causes STOPped transition(s) to continue running. If no
Cue Number is specified, all STOPped transitions
RESUME. If a Cue Number is specified, only that
transition RESUMEs, leaving all others unchanged.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Starts a timed transition or fade to a cue. If no Cue
Number is specified, the next cue in numerical sequence
GOes. If a Cue Number is specified, that cue GOes.
Transitions "run" until complete.
Time is Standard Time Specification with subframes (type
{ff}), providing anything from "instant" to 24 hour
transitions. If a Controlled Device does not support
TIMED_GO it should GO instead, ignoring the time data
but processing Cue Number data normally. If the
transition time desired is the preexisting default cue
time, GO should be sent instead of TIMED_GO.
Rules for Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists are
the same as for GO, above.
hr mn sc fr ff Standard Time Specification
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Places a cue into a standby position. Cue Number must
be specified. LOAD is useful when the cue desired takes
a finite time to access. LOAD is sent in advance so
that the cue will GO instantly.
In Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists,
if Q_number is sent without Q_list, all cues with a
number identical to Q_number and which are in
Open Cue Lists LOAD to standby.
<Q_number> required
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
06 SET
Defines the value of a Generic Control. The Generic
Control and its value are each specified by a 14 bit
number. A Controlled Device may treat virtually any of
its variables, attributes, rates, levels, modes,
functions, effects, subs, channels, switches, etc. as
Generic Controls which may be sent values via SET.
Optionally, the time it takes the Generic Control to
achieve its value may be sent.
Time is Standard Time Specification with subframes (type
{ff}), providing anything from "instant" to 24 hour
transitions. If a Controlled Device does not support
times in SET, it should ignore time data.
Standard Generic Control Numbers for Lighting:
0-127 Sub masters
128-129 Masters of the first playback
130-131 Masters of the second playback
190-191 Masters of the 32nd playback
192-223 Speed controllers for the 32 playbacks
224-255 Chase sequence masters
256-287 Chase sequence speed masters
510 Grand Master for all channels
511 General speed controller for all fades
512-1023 Individual channel levels
06 SET
cc cc Generic Control Number, LSB first
vv vv Generic Control Value, LSB first
hr mn sc fr ff Standard Time Specification, optional
Triggers a preprogrammed keyboard Macro. The Macro is
defined by a 7 bit number. The Macros themselves are
either programmed at the Controlled Device, or loaded
via MIDI file dump facilities using the ASCII Cue Data
format or any method applicable to the Controlled
mm Macro Number
Independently turns all functions and outputs off
without changing the control settings. Operating status
prior to ALL_OFF may be reestablished by RESTORE.
Reestablishes operating status to exactly as it was
prior to ALL_OFF.
Terminates all running cues, setting all timed functions
to an initialized state equivalent to a newly powered-up
condition and loads the first cue of each applicable cue
list into the appropriate standby positions. In other
words, RESET stops the show without arbitrarily changing
any control values and loads the top of the show to
It should be decided by the manufacturer of the
Controlled Device whether or not RESET should
automatically open all CLOSEd_CUE_LISTs and
CLOSEd_CUE_PATHs and this decision should be stated
clearly in the device's MIDI Implementation
Starts a transition or fade of a cue to the off state.
Transition time is determined by the cue in the
Controlled Device.
If no Cue Number is specified, the current cue GOes OFF.
If a Cue Number is specified, that cue GOes OFF.
In Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists, if no Cue
Number is Specified, all currently active cues in Open
Cue Lists GO OFF. If Q_number is sent without Q_list,
all cues with a number identical to Q_number and which
are in Open Cue Lists GO OFF.
For compatibility with Controlled Devices which do not
automatically replace an existing cue with a new cue
upon receipt of the GO command, Controllers should
optionally prompt the programmer to simultaneously
create a GO_OFF command.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Starts a transition or fade to a cue simultaneous with
forcing the clock time to the 'Go Time' if the cue is
an 'Auto Follow' cue. Transition time is determined by
the cue in the Controlled Device.
If no Cue Number is specified, the next cue in numerical
sequence GOes and the clock of the appropriate Cue List
JAMs to that cue's time. If the next cue in numerical
sequence is a 'Manual' cue (i.e. if it has not been
stored with a particular 'Go Time,' making it an
'Auto Follow' cue), the GO/JAM_CLOCK command is ignored.
If a Cue Number is specified, that cue Gop and the clock
of the appropriate Cue List JAMs to the cue's time
unless the cue is 'Manual' in which case no change
Rules for Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists are
the same as for GO, above.
<Q_number> optional; required if Q_list is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_list> optional; required if Q_path is sent
00 delimiter
<Q_path> optional
Places into standby position the next cue in numerical
order after the cue currently in standby.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
next cue in numerical order is used. If more than one
Open Cue List have cues with an identical number then
those cues will move to their respective standby
If Q_list is sent in Standard Cue Number Form, only
the next cue in the Cue List specified moves to the
standby position.
<Q_list> optional
Places into standby position the previous cue in
numerical order prior to the cue currently in standby.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
previous cue in numerical order is used. If more than
one Open Cue List have cues with an identical number
then those cues will move to their respective standby
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the previous
cue in the Cue List specified moves to the standby
<Q_list> optional
Places into standby position the next parent cue in
numerical sequence after the cue currently in standby.
'Parent' refers to the integer value of the cue's
number prior to the first decimal point (the "most
significant number") For example, if cue 29.324.98.7
was in standby and the cues following were 29.325, 29.4,
29.7, 29.9.876, 36.7, 36.7.832, 36.8, 37., and 37.1,
then cue 36.7 would be loaded to standby by SEQUENCE_+.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
next cue in parental sequence is used. If more than one
Open Cue List have cues with a completely identical
number then those cues will move to their respective
standby positions.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the next
parent cue in the Cue List specified moves to the
standby position.
<Q_list> optional
Places into standby position the lowest numbered parent
cue in the previous numerical sequence prior to the cue
currently in standby.
'Parent' refers to the integer value of the cue's
number prior to the first decimal point (the "most
significant number") For example, if cue
was in standby and the cues preceding were 29.325, 29.4,
29.7, 29.9.876, 36.7, 36.7.832, 36.8, 37., and 37.1,
then cue 36.7 would be loaded to standby by SEQUENCE_-.
If Q_list is not sent, the Open Cue List containing the
previous parental sequence is used. If more than one
Open Cue List have cues with identical lowest numbered
parent cues in previous parental sequence then those
cues will move to their respective standby positions.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the first
parent cue in the previous sequence of the Cue List
specified moves to the standby position.
<Q_list> optional
Starts the 'Auto Follow' clock timer. If the clock is
already running, no change occurs. The clock continues
counting from the time value which it contained while it
was Stopped.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Start simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Starts.
<Q_list> optional
Stops the 'Auto Follow' clock timer. If the clock is
already stopped, no change occurs. While the clock is
stopped, it retains the time value which it contained
at the instant it received the STOP command.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Stop simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Stops.
<Q_list> optional
Sets the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to a value of
00:00:00:00.00, whether or not it is running. If the
clock is already stopped and Zeroed, no change occurs.
ZERO_CLOCK does not affect the clock's running status.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Zero simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Zeros.
<Q_list> optional
Sets the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to a value equal to
the Standard Time sent, whether or not it is running.
SET_CLOCK does not affect the clock's running status.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Set simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Sets.
hr mn sc fr ff Standard Time Specification
<Q_list> optional
Causes the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to continuously
contain a value equal to incoming MIDI Time Code. If no
MTC is being received when this command is received, the
clock remains in its current running or stopped status
until MTC is received, at which time the clock
continuously exhibits the same time as MTC. If MTC
becomes discontinuous, the clock continues to display
the last valid MTC message value received.
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
Chase simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List Chases.
<Q_list> optional
Causes the 'Auto Follow' clock timer to cease Chasing
incoming MIDI Time Code. When MTC_CHASE_OFF is
received, the clock returns to running or stopped status
according to its operating status at the instant
MTC_CHASE_ON was received.
MTC_CHASE_OFF does not change the clock time value; i.e.
if the clock is stopped, it retains the last valid MTC
message value received (or simply the most recent time
in the clock register); if the clock is running, it
continues to count from the most recent time in its
If Q_list is not sent, the clocks in all Open Cue Lists
stop Chasing simultaneously.
If Q_list is sent in Standard Form, only the clock in
that Cue List stops Chasing.
<Q_list> optional
Makes a Cue List available to all other commands and
includes any cues it may contain in the current show.
When OPEN_CUE_LIST is received, the specified Cue List
becomes active and cues in it can be accessed by normal
show requirements. Q_list in Standard Form must be
If the specified Cue List is already Open or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_list> required
Makes a Cue List unavailable to all other commands and
excludes any cues it may contain from the current show.
When CLOSE_CUE_LIST is received, the specified Cue List
becomes inactive and cues in it cannot be accessed by
normal show requirements, but the status of the cues in
the list does not change. Q_list in Standard Form must
be sent.
If the specified Cue List is already Closed or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_list> required
Makes a Cue Path available to all other MIDI Show
Control commands and to all normal show cue path access
requirements as well.
When OPEN_CUE_PATH is received, the specified Cue Path
becomes active and cues in it can be accessed by the
Controlled Device. Q_path in Standard Form must be
If the specified Cue Path is already Open or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_path> required
Makes a Cue Path unavailable to all other MIDI Show
Control commands and to all normal show cue path access
requirements as well.
When CLOSE_CUE_PATH is received, the specified Cue Path
becomes inactive and cues in it cannot be accessed by
the Controlled Device. Q_path in Standard Form must be
If the specified Cue Path is already Closed or if it
does not exist, no change occurs.
<Q_path> required